so tired infact, that i don't even care if there is a spelling error. Heck I dont even know if i spelled exhausted right. We are moved in but not moved out of the old place. we have about 2 more van loads and then completely done. can't wait.
Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.
Awesome shopping trip last night....
Well I caved and HAD to buy groceries. We were getting so low on stuff and it was getting to the point that I was wanting to eat out and as well all know, that can kill a budget!
After dinner we loaded up everyone and headed to the store. We made 3 stops.
Publix, Winn Dixie and Walgreens.
First off, we saved 21 bucks at Publix and spent $37.
Winn Dixie was next. We saved a whopping $95!! Spent $60, so we did pretty well there. I bought 4 air freshener thingys. They are $9.99 but were on sale, BOGO free. I had 4 coupons that were $4 off so I only paid $.99 each for them. Talk about a bargain! Of course I would have NEVER paid $9.99 for one of those things. No matter how much I love smell good thingys, that is a crazy amount to pay for air freshener.
Walgreens was last and it was a good thing since the babies were getting antsy.
I only need a few things there and I used my rebate GC. We saved $8 and spent $3.
Not too bad for a quick trip to 3 stores. Spent $100 but saved $124. I'd say that was a VERY good trip indeed.
After dinner we loaded up everyone and headed to the store. We made 3 stops.
Publix, Winn Dixie and Walgreens.
First off, we saved 21 bucks at Publix and spent $37.
Winn Dixie was next. We saved a whopping $95!! Spent $60, so we did pretty well there. I bought 4 air freshener thingys. They are $9.99 but were on sale, BOGO free. I had 4 coupons that were $4 off so I only paid $.99 each for them. Talk about a bargain! Of course I would have NEVER paid $9.99 for one of those things. No matter how much I love smell good thingys, that is a crazy amount to pay for air freshener.
Walgreens was last and it was a good thing since the babies were getting antsy.
I only need a few things there and I used my rebate GC. We saved $8 and spent $3.
Not too bad for a quick trip to 3 stores. Spent $100 but saved $124. I'd say that was a VERY good trip indeed.
Week Ending 04/18/09
I am sooooo ready to be moved. I am literally pulling out my hair.
I need to go grocery shopping so bad, but I don't want to have to move groceries.
I am so far behind on the blogs I read, I feel like I will never catch up.
I have so much to pack I feel like we will won't get moved out of here on time.
Can you tell I have have a hectic few days??
I did, however, manage to get all my great-grandmother's china packed up and didn't even break a piece. I cleaned all of our cocktail glasses and such and realized we have way too many. How in the world we ever got that many margarita glasses is beyond me.
I made some whole wheat flax seed and oatmeal bread today and cooked dinner. Mmmmm Fried shrimp. It seriously was the best ever. I think that was because Chris stayed out of the kitchen and didn't try and "help". Bless his heart.
He was sick last week for 2 whole days. He had been sick longer but just decided to go to the Dr. on Tuesday. He had a sinus infection that ultimately led to bronchitis. He needed 2 different medicines for it but is feeling much better now.
Like I said earlier, we NEED to go grocery shopping badly. Here are the totals for this week. Piddly huh??
Total for the week
Shelf Price $110.00
Price Paid $45.00
Amount Saved $65.00
That is a savings of 59%
I am sooooo ready to be moved. I am literally pulling out my hair.
I need to go grocery shopping so bad, but I don't want to have to move groceries.
I am so far behind on the blogs I read, I feel like I will never catch up.
I have so much to pack I feel like we will won't get moved out of here on time.
Can you tell I have have a hectic few days??
I did, however, manage to get all my great-grandmother's china packed up and didn't even break a piece. I cleaned all of our cocktail glasses and such and realized we have way too many. How in the world we ever got that many margarita glasses is beyond me.
I made some whole wheat flax seed and oatmeal bread today and cooked dinner. Mmmmm Fried shrimp. It seriously was the best ever. I think that was because Chris stayed out of the kitchen and didn't try and "help". Bless his heart.
He was sick last week for 2 whole days. He had been sick longer but just decided to go to the Dr. on Tuesday. He had a sinus infection that ultimately led to bronchitis. He needed 2 different medicines for it but is feeling much better now.
Like I said earlier, we NEED to go grocery shopping badly. Here are the totals for this week. Piddly huh??
Total for the week
Shelf Price $110.00
Price Paid $45.00
Amount Saved $65.00
That is a savings of 59%
I am on to you....
I am was addicted to Gymbo for my girls. I have been ever since Caitlin was a baby. Actually, I still have the very first outfit I bought for her. It was 9.99 on SALE! That was all I could afford at the time. I don't remember them having coupons or Gymbucks or any of the special sales they do now.
Fast forward to Lilly and Sophie. OMG. The clothes. They are gorgeous now. Over the course of Lilly and Sophie's short lives, I have spend more than my fair share of moolah at Gymbo.
But no more. I am on to you Gymbo. I won't fall prey to your tactics any more. I know what you are doing. You are trying to get me to break. Trying to get me to spend spend spend.
You come out with ridiculously cute clothes time after time. Every few weeks you do this to me. Why?? Do my children not look cute enough without your clothes on them??

OK so maybe Sophie needs some clothes on.
And why do you have to make your stores so ..... fun. My kids LOVE going in there. They make new friends and love watching the movies and listening to the music. You have made it to where I can't even go to the mall now. Thanks.
Oh and don't even get me started on this. What in the world were you thinking putting something out as cute as this.

And I know you have been listening to me talk to Sophie. How else would you know that her nickname is this....

Oh I am on to you.... I am not as dumb as you think. I have coupons now... and I am NOT afraid to use them. I also have a budget.... and I will not be breaking it for all the cuteness.
I have already budgeted for 2 outfits... just in case of an emergency as this.
Fast forward to Lilly and Sophie. OMG. The clothes. They are gorgeous now. Over the course of Lilly and Sophie's short lives, I have spend more than my fair share of moolah at Gymbo.
But no more. I am on to you Gymbo. I won't fall prey to your tactics any more. I know what you are doing. You are trying to get me to break. Trying to get me to spend spend spend.
You come out with ridiculously cute clothes time after time. Every few weeks you do this to me. Why?? Do my children not look cute enough without your clothes on them??
OK so maybe Sophie needs some clothes on.
And why do you have to make your stores so ..... fun. My kids LOVE going in there. They make new friends and love watching the movies and listening to the music. You have made it to where I can't even go to the mall now. Thanks.
Oh and don't even get me started on this. What in the world were you thinking putting something out as cute as this.

And I know you have been listening to me talk to Sophie. How else would you know that her nickname is this....

Oh I am on to you.... I am not as dumb as you think. I have coupons now... and I am NOT afraid to use them. I also have a budget.... and I will not be breaking it for all the cuteness.
I have already budgeted for 2 outfits... just in case of an emergency as this.
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Week Ending 04/11/09
No grocery shopping this week aside from milk, eggs and soda. I'm sorry but no matter how much I love to pinch pennies and cut coupons, I can't WILL NOT give up my soda every morning. Trust me... It's better this way. I have resorted to drinking Winn Dixie brand soda. I think that is sacrifice enough.
Out total spent for the week would have been a big fat zero had I not gone to CVS tonight for Easter candy and some makeup for me. Everything else for the week was bought on a gift card Chris earned at work.
Total for the week
Shelf Price $191.00
Price Paid $75.00
Amount Saved $115.00
That is a savings of 60%
Oh and I got $10 in ECB from CVS. Those will come in handy at a later date.
Out total spent for the week would have been a big fat zero had I not gone to CVS tonight for Easter candy and some makeup for me. Everything else for the week was bought on a gift card Chris earned at work.
Total for the week
Shelf Price $191.00
Price Paid $75.00
Amount Saved $115.00
That is a savings of 60%
Oh and I got $10 in ECB from CVS. Those will come in handy at a later date.
Getting ready for the BIG day!
Early to bed... early to rise. That was me last night. I have been up since WAY too early for a Saturday.
But on the other hand, I have gotten most of the things accomplished today that I wanted to.
I am still working on a website for a local boutique. I am hoping to be done with that this weekend.
I still have to go get Easter baskets for the girls. We have exactly ZERO baskets in the house. Oh and I have to get candy too. No candy and no baskets in a house with 3 girls. Am I a bad mom or what?!?!?!
I still have to finish up one last set of bows before I completely pack it all up for the move.
I did get Caitlin's birthday party planned... well at least reserved. It is FAR from being planned. We are having a big party this year. She turns 10. I can't believe it. TEN... as in 1-0. Wow. Makes me feel old.
We don't do BIG parties in our house. Never have. It is usually just us 5 and that's that. This year however, we are going somewhere. To the skating rink to be exact.
See last year Caitlin WON a party for her and 9 friends at the skate rink. She has been dying to go ever since she won. This year, we are going. All I have to do is bring the cake. Everything else has been taken care of. (insert angels singing here) I am NOT an organized person and this is just one last thing I need to worry about.
Her Gramps is coming to visit for her big day as well. She is so excited is can hardly sit still.
I am making a photo slide show for her big day. I've been crying all day from it too. I need to go back and look at older pics more often. It really makes me so thankful for her. :)
Happy Easter everyone!
But on the other hand, I have gotten most of the things accomplished today that I wanted to.
I am still working on a website for a local boutique. I am hoping to be done with that this weekend.
I still have to go get Easter baskets for the girls. We have exactly ZERO baskets in the house. Oh and I have to get candy too. No candy and no baskets in a house with 3 girls. Am I a bad mom or what?!?!?!
I still have to finish up one last set of bows before I completely pack it all up for the move.
I did get Caitlin's birthday party planned... well at least reserved. It is FAR from being planned. We are having a big party this year. She turns 10. I can't believe it. TEN... as in 1-0. Wow. Makes me feel old.
We don't do BIG parties in our house. Never have. It is usually just us 5 and that's that. This year however, we are going somewhere. To the skating rink to be exact.
See last year Caitlin WON a party for her and 9 friends at the skate rink. She has been dying to go ever since she won. This year, we are going. All I have to do is bring the cake. Everything else has been taken care of. (insert angels singing here) I am NOT an organized person and this is just one last thing I need to worry about.
Her Gramps is coming to visit for her big day as well. She is so excited is can hardly sit still.
I am making a photo slide show for her big day. I've been crying all day from it too. I need to go back and look at older pics more often. It really makes me so thankful for her. :)
Happy Easter everyone!
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Just a day at the park
We took the girls to the playground this weekend. It was rainy most of last week, which happened to be Spring Break, so when Sunday rolled around and it was gorgeous... we hit the door running!
I really wanted to go to the beach so we could fly kites, but we decided just to go to the playground instead. We had a great time.
Lilly actually climbed up the stairs all by herself!!

She is getting so big. Lilly and Sophie went down the slide by themselves. I thought I got a picture of Sophie going down, but I can't find it.

Caitlin is getting so big too. She is such a big helper to me with the girls.
She has already taught Lilly how to count to 10.
We aretrying to learn learning Spanish. We have some CD's with Spanish songs on them and all 3 girls love the songs. It's so adorable to hear Lilly sing in Spanish.

I love this picture of Sophie. I can get her to smile, but my camera is so slow at taking pics, I usually miss the smile. Darn camera.

This is the cutest picture from that whole day. Sophie was watching Caitlin so hard. She wanted to know just how she was gonna come down that pole. She was yelling "Cai, Cai, Cai" the whole time. Adorable.

It was so bright outside that my pictures turned out a little funky. But that's OK because our family is a little funky so it all worked out. :)
I really wanted to go to the beach so we could fly kites, but we decided just to go to the playground instead. We had a great time.
Lilly actually climbed up the stairs all by herself!!
She is getting so big. Lilly and Sophie went down the slide by themselves. I thought I got a picture of Sophie going down, but I can't find it.
Caitlin is getting so big too. She is such a big helper to me with the girls.
She has already taught Lilly how to count to 10.
We are
I love this picture of Sophie. I can get her to smile, but my camera is so slow at taking pics, I usually miss the smile. Darn camera.
This is the cutest picture from that whole day. Sophie was watching Caitlin so hard. She wanted to know just how she was gonna come down that pole. She was yelling "Cai, Cai, Cai" the whole time. Adorable.
It was so bright outside that my pictures turned out a little funky. But that's OK because our family is a little funky so it all worked out. :)
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Week Ending 04/04/09
We did pretty well this week. Not too many groceries. We did make a trip to the wholesale club to stock up on butter, eggs, hot dogs and trash bags. Out of the total for the week, that trip alone accounted for $36.00, but we did get 150 garbage bags for about 7 bucks after the coupons. Awesome deal!
Total for the week
Shelf Price $134.00
Price Paid $60.00
Amount Saved $73.00
That is a savings of 55%
We are slowly inching our way to the $50 budget per week I would love to have in place. This week we will be doing inventory and packing up some of the stockpile. Whatever is close to to expiration date or we don't want, we are donating.
I want to get rid of the "Helper" meals and the rice mixes. We had a yellow rice mix the other night and I thought I was dying afterward. I looked the the ingredient list and what do you know it had MSG in it. MSG and I don't agree. Have you ever noticed how much stuff has MSG in it!! OMG!! TONS of stuff.
Don't buy it just because it's cheap if it has MSG... lesson learned.
Total for the week
Shelf Price $134.00
Price Paid $60.00
Amount Saved $73.00
That is a savings of 55%
We are slowly inching our way to the $50 budget per week I would love to have in place. This week we will be doing inventory and packing up some of the stockpile. Whatever is close to to expiration date or we don't want, we are donating.
I want to get rid of the "Helper" meals and the rice mixes. We had a yellow rice mix the other night and I thought I was dying afterward. I looked the the ingredient list and what do you know it had MSG in it. MSG and I don't agree. Have you ever noticed how much stuff has MSG in it!! OMG!! TONS of stuff.
Don't buy it just because it's cheap if it has MSG... lesson learned.
Starting a family tradition
I am ashamed to say that we have not eaten dinner together... at the table... in over 3 years. Caitlin has to sit at the table all by herself and I feel just awful. Terrible. It really makes me want to cry sometimes.
We don't have room at the current table nor do we have enough chairs. She broke them... while leaning back in them.... a while back and we just never replaced them. She and I were talking while I was cooking dinner tonight. It was storming and we were talking about having the flashlight ready and also needing to get some candles when we move to our new place.
Then she had the idea of having candlelit dinners. She was all... "We can save electricity and it would be like we were in a restaurant Mom!" I absolutely LOVE that idea!! I told her we can start doing that as a family tradition. I am so excited about moving into the new place. I can hardly wait to start on our new family traditions.
I am so excited... I even started a list... just so I won't forget. :)
We don't have room at the current table nor do we have enough chairs. She broke them... while leaning back in them.... a while back and we just never replaced them. She and I were talking while I was cooking dinner tonight. It was storming and we were talking about having the flashlight ready and also needing to get some candles when we move to our new place.
Then she had the idea of having candlelit dinners. She was all... "We can save electricity and it would be like we were in a restaurant Mom!" I absolutely LOVE that idea!! I told her we can start doing that as a family tradition. I am so excited about moving into the new place. I can hardly wait to start on our new family traditions.
I am so excited... I even started a list... just so I won't forget. :)
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The love each other... they really do
Meet Lilly and Sophie.

Aren't they sweet. Awwww.....

They love each other.

Right about now, Sophie isn't really feelin' the love.

By now she is over it. Time to put her foot down.

This is what happens when it's all over.
Someone always ends up crying...

But I did get some beautiful shots of them.

Of course I am a little biased.

Aren't they sweet. Awwww.....
They love each other.
Right about now, Sophie isn't really feelin' the love.
By now she is over it. Time to put her foot down.
This is what happens when it's all over.
Someone always ends up crying...
But I did get some beautiful shots of them.

Of course I am a little biased.

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