

Week Ending 03/28/09

This week was an awesome week!! We did spend quite a bit on groceries but it was for 2 weeks worth (at least) so it will even itself out.

Total for the week

Shelf Price $383.00
Price Paid $121.00
Amount Saved $262.00

That is a savings of 68% WOO HOO!!!

It would have been an even bigger savings had we not bought a lot of meat. I didn't pay full price for any of the meat, it was all 1/2 off. The chicken was actually buy 1 get 2 free, which comes to about $1.83 per lb of boneless skinless. We bought enough for at least 3 weeks, plus we still have about 20 lbs of meat in the deep freeze.

I can only think of 1 thing I will need from the store and that's sugar. I haven't even looked to see if it's on sale somewhere.

2 people had something to say:

Wendy said...

Great shopping! Do you use coupons that you can get online or just ones that come in the Sunday paper? You're so lucky to have a store that will triple coupons! They don't even double them around here.

Casey said...

Wendy, I use both actually. They usually won't multiply the printed ones from the PC. HT is the only store around here that multiplies any coupons. I've lived here 4 years and JUST found out that they did this. I'm a little behind... lol