The cake I made. Clearly I can not write pretty. Note to self.... learn to write pretty.
Caitlin with one of her BFFs, Aly.
Opening presents.
Holding onto the sides for dear life. It was VERY dark in there.... and my camera HATES dark places.
Lots of this going on with all the kids.
Caitlin and Tori... her mommy makes very pretty bows!
Here's Lilly going down the slide the 1,453,345,345th time. She loved that thing.
Gramps, Lilly and the back of Sophie's head.
Daddy and Sophie.
See her outfit... and Lilly's too??? They are those super cute outfit from Gymbo I wanted. I broke down and bought them and they were perfect for the party.
Everyone had a good time and Gramps took Caitlin shopping afterward for her present. She wanted skates of all things. Bless her heart. She is very determined to learn to skate.
While Chris, the babies and I were on our way home, I realized that the skate place didn't give us all the things that were included in the price of the party. See, Caitlin won a free basic party, but we decided to upgrade. So for $40 more, we got one extra attraction and a pizza, also 12 tokens, a glow stick and return passes for each child. They forgot the last 3 things. We turned around and headed back. I figured the least they could do was refund the difference for those items. So like 15 bucks or so.
I talked to no less than 3 people... I was persistent I tell ya! I just wanted a refund that was all..... until... the manager made me an offer I couldn't refuse! He told me for $20 he would order Caitlin a pair of skates! $60 skates for $20!!! Woo hooo!!!! They also gave me about 15 return passes so she can practice all she wants!
She is gonna be so excited. She has asked everyday for a pair of skates. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees those skates. I'll be sure and post pics!
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