

Last Fridays' road trip

Last Friday I took the girls to a little honey stand on the side of the road out in the middle of the country.

Yes, we do have country places here in Florida.

LOTS of it too.

It's gorgeous land and I am totally jealous of everyone who lives out there.

I was browsing my April issue of Southern Living (how southern of me) and came across a section called "Florida Living".I figured since 1. I'm in Florida and 2. I'm living, maybe I should check it out.

The first picture really caught my eye. A rustic old road side stand filled to the brim with honey. I love honey. I grew up eating Tupelo honey and if you have never had it, you are really missing out.

Biggers Apiaries has other varieties of honey. Orange blossom, wildflower and gall berry. I have never had any of these and I was more then willing to drive the 60 or so miles just to try.

This little stand was just as charming in person as it was in the pictures.

The hot pink sign informs people that because of the unusually cold winter we had this year, the bees are a little slow making the honey. I didn't care. As you can see I had more than enough to choose from anyway.

I ended up getting orange blossom, gall berry, cinnamon and honey spread and sweet Cantonese style kumquats. We had a kumquat tree when I was a kid. Talk about a treat!

Isn't this just the most precious picture? You would NEVER see this in the city. It wouldn't last a day before someone drove off with the WHOLE thing. And probably take all the honey too.

I love the fact that they tell you "thank you" on the sign.

I love the county.

2 people had something to say:

Wendy said...

So, where's my honey? Hmmm...?

Casey said...

You want some honey, honey? :) I have gall berry and orange blossom. I also have tupelo honey. Have you ever had tupelo honey. OMG. It's awesome.