

And I am just finding out about this why?...

Shut the front door… you have got to be kidding me.

I just read on a blog about this nifty little thing called Windows Live Writer. Ummm… hello? Why hasn’t anyone told me of this thing before?


Mainly because I love this font. Yes, this one. Don’t you like it so much better than that other font.

Bleh. It’s boring. Arial is and was BORING.

But I can insert stuff, link stuff, map stuff and um.. do more stuff….

Why this could change the whole way I blog!

Oh my goodness. I just saw where it imported all my categories! I am in hog heaven right now.

To show you how happy I am, I am including a picture of our new pet.

HA HA HA HA HA…. he’s not really our new pet. He/She is a coypu, or nutria if you wish. There are like a gazillion of them in our pond right now and they are eating all our grass in the backyard.

Don’t you just love his pearly whites oranges?

2 people had something to say:

Wendy said...

I don't get it. What's Windows Live Writer?

Casey said...

Come on... you didn't even say anything about my new pet??