

Getting ready for the BIG day!

Early to bed... early to rise. That was me last night. I have been up since WAY too early for a Saturday.

But on the other hand, I have gotten most of the things accomplished today that I wanted to.

I am still working on a website for a local boutique. I am hoping to be done with that this weekend.

I still have to go get Easter baskets for the girls. We have exactly ZERO baskets in the house. Oh and I have to get candy too. No candy and no baskets in a house with 3 girls. Am I a bad mom or what?!?!?!

I still have to finish up one last set of bows before I completely pack it all up for the move.

I did get Caitlin's birthday party planned... well at least reserved. It is FAR from being planned. We are having a big party this year. She turns 10. I can't believe it. TEN... as in 1-0. Wow. Makes me feel old.

We don't do BIG parties in our house. Never have. It is usually just us 5 and that's that. This year however, we are going somewhere. To the skating rink to be exact.

See last year Caitlin WON a party for her and 9 friends at the skate rink. She has been dying to go ever since she won. This year, we are going. All I have to do is bring the cake. Everything else has been taken care of. (insert angels singing here) I am NOT an organized person and this is just one last thing I need to worry about.

Her Gramps is coming to visit for her big day as well. She is so excited is can hardly sit still.

I am making a photo slide show for her big day. I've been crying all day from it too. I need to go back and look at older pics more often. It really makes me so thankful for her. :)

Happy Easter everyone!

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