

Week Ending 04/18/09


I am sooooo ready to be moved. I am literally pulling out my hair.

I need to go grocery shopping so bad, but I don't want to have to move groceries.

I am so far behind on the blogs I read, I feel like I will never catch up.

I have so much to pack I feel like we will won't get moved out of here on time.

Can you tell I have have a hectic few days??

I did, however, manage to get all my great-grandmother's china packed up and didn't even break a piece. I cleaned all of our cocktail glasses and such and realized we have way too many. How in the world we ever got that many margarita glasses is beyond me.

I made some whole wheat flax seed and oatmeal bread today and cooked dinner. Mmmmm Fried shrimp. It seriously was the best ever. I think that was because Chris stayed out of the kitchen and didn't try and "help". Bless his heart.

He was sick last week for 2 whole days. He had been sick longer but just decided to go to the Dr. on Tuesday. He had a sinus infection that ultimately led to bronchitis. He needed 2 different medicines for it but is feeling much better now.

Like I said earlier, we NEED to go grocery shopping badly. Here are the totals for this week. Piddly huh??

Total for the week

Shelf Price $110.00
Price Paid $45.00
Amount Saved $65.00

That is a savings of 59%

1 people had something to say:

Wendy said...

When is moving day?

I feel for ya with the needing groceries thing. I'm sure your family would be perfectly happy with meals made up of dill pickles and instant mashed potatoes, don't you? And to spice things up, go ahead and add some of that terriyaki sauce that's in the back of your fridge. It'll be a taste-treat sensation!